What is 13 3/8 as a decimal?

In mathematics, converting fractions to decimals is a common task. Let's go through the process of converting the fraction 13 3/8 to a decimal.

You can try other fractional values to get more familiar with the conversion guide.

Often, convert 53/4 to a decimal or 13 1/2 to a decimal, depending on the task.

What is 13 3/8?

A fraction consists of two numbers: the numerator (top number) and the denominator (bottom number). In the fraction 13 3/8: 13 is the whole number, 3 is the numerator, and 8 is the denominator. First, convert the mixed fraction to an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number 13 by the denominator 8, then add the numerator 3: (13 × 8 + 3). To find the value of the fraction, divide the numerator 107 by the denominator 8.

Conversion formula (equation):

1338=13 × 8 + 38=1078=13.375


1338 = 13.375

What is a fraction?

A fraction consists of two parts: the numerator on top and the denominator below. It shows parts of a whole and is used to compare values.

What is a decimal?

A decimal is a number system that includes a decimal point. This point separates the whole number from the fractional part. It is an easy way to express values less than one.

Conversion Steps:

To convert 13 3/8 to a decimal, follow these steps:

  1. Step 1: Convert to an improper fraction. Start by converting the mixed fraction to an improper fraction. Multiply the integer part 13 by the denominator 8, and add the numerator 3.
  2. Step 2: Set up the division. Divide the numerator 107 by the denominator 8. It will look like this: 107 ÷ 8.
  3. Step 3: Perform the division. Use a calculator to divide 107 by 8, or do it manually.
  4. Step 4: Identify the decimal. The result will be a decimal. When 107 is divided by 8, you get 13.375.