What is 3.33333333333 as a fraction?

Converting decimals to fractions can be useful in many situations. Let's go through the steps to convert a decimal 3.33333333333 to a fraction.

You can try other values to get more familiar with the conversion process.

Often, convert 3.33333333 to a fraction or 3.34 to a fraction, depending on the task.

Understanding the decimal: “3.33333333333”

A decimal number consists of an integer part and a fractional part, separated by a decimal point. The integer part is on the left, and the fractional part is on the right. For example, in 3.33333333333, 3 is the integer part and 33333333333 is the fractional part.

Conversion Explanation:

  1. For the numerator:
    • We start with the number 3.33333333333.
    • By removing the decimal point, we derive the numerator as 333333333333.
  2. For the denominator:
    • Each position after the decimal represents a division by 10.
    • Thus, having 11 positions after the decimal equates to 100000000000 or 1011.
  3. Factors:
    • The factors for the numerator and the denominator are numbers that can evenly divide each of them.
    • For instance, the factors of 333333333333 include 1, 3, 7, 9, 11, 13, 21, 33, 37, 39, 63, 77, 91, 99, 101, 111, 117, 143, 231, 259, 273, 303, 333, 407, 429, 481, 693, 707, 777, 819, 909, 1001, 1111, 1221, 1287, 1313, 1443, 2121, 2331, 2849, 3003, 3333, 3367, 3663, 3737, 3939, 4329, 5291, 6363, 7777, 8547, 9009, 9191, 9901, 9999, 10101, 11211, 11817, 14443, 15873, 23331, 25641, 26159, 27573, 29703, 30303, 33633, 37037, 41107, 43329, 47619, 48581, 69307, 69993, 78477, 82719, 89109, 101101, 108911, 111111, 123321, 128713, 129987, 145743, 207921, 235431, 287749, 303303, 326733, 333333, 340067, 366337, 369963, 386139, 437229, 534391, 623763, 762377, 863247, 900991, 909909, 980199, 1000001, 1020201, 1099011, 1158417, 1415843, 1603173, 2287131, 2564359, 2589741, 2702973, 3000003, 3060603, 3297033, 3740737, 4029707, 4247529, 4762381, 4809519, 6861393, 7000007, 7693077, 8108919, 9000009, 9910901, 11000011, 11222211, 12089121, 12742587, 13000013, 14287143, 21000021, 23079231, 28207949, 29732703, 33000033, 33336667, 33666633, 36267363, 37000037, 39000039, 42861429, 52386191, 63000063, 77000077, 84623847, 89198109, 91000091, 99000099, 100010001, 111000111, 117000117, 143000143, 157158573, 231000231, 253871541, 259000259, 273000273, 300030003, 333000333, 366703337, 407000407, 429000429, 471475719, 481000481, 693000693, 777000777, 819000819, 1001001001, 1100110011, 1221001221, 1287001287, 1443001443, 2331002331, 2849002849, 3003003003, 3300330033, 3367003367, 3663003663, 4329004329, 5291005291, 8547008547, 9009009009, 10101010101, 15873015873, 25641025641, 30303030303, 37037037037, 47619047619, 111111111111, and 333333333333.
    • The factors of 100000000000 comprise 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 64, 80, 100, 125, 128, 160, 200, 250, 256, 320, 400, 500, 512, 625, 640, 800, 1000, 1024, 1250, 1280, 1600, 2000, 2048, 2500, 2560, 3125, 3200, 4000, 5000, 5120, 6250, 6400, 8000, 10000, 10240, 12500, 12800, 15625, 16000, 20000, 25000, 25600, 31250, 32000, 40000, 50000, 51200, 62500, 64000, 78125, 80000, 100000, 125000, 128000, 156250, 160000, 200000, 250000, 256000, 312500, 320000, 390625, 400000, 500000, 625000, 640000, 781250, 800000, 1000000, 1250000, 1280000, 1562500, 1600000, 1953125, 2000000, 2500000, 3125000, 3200000, 3906250, 4000000, 5000000, 6250000, 6400000, 7812500, 8000000, 9765625, 10000000, 12500000, 15625000, 16000000, 19531250, 20000000, 25000000, 31250000, 32000000, 39062500, 40000000, 48828125, 50000000, 62500000, 78125000, 80000000, 97656250, 100000000, 125000000, 156250000, 160000000, 195312500, 200000000, 250000000, 312500000, 390625000, 400000000, 500000000, 625000000, 781250000, 800000000, 1000000000, 1250000000, 1562500000, 2000000000, 2500000000, 3125000000, 4000000000, 5000000000, 6250000000, 10000000000, 12500000000, 20000000000, 25000000000, 50000000000, and 100000000000.
  4. Greatest Common Divisor (GCD):
    • It's the largest number that can evenly divide both the numerator and the denominator.
    • In this instance, the GCD for 333333333333 and 100000000000 is 1.

The factors of 333333333333 are:

1 3 7 9 11 13 21 33 37 39 63 77 91 99 101 111 117 143 231 259 273 303 333 407 429 481 693 707 777 819 909 1001 1111 1221 1287 1313 1443 2121 2331 2849 3003 3333 3367 3663 3737 3939 4329 5291 6363 7777 8547 9009 9191 9901 9999 10101 11211 11817 14443 15873 23331 25641 26159 27573 29703 30303 33633 37037 41107 43329 47619 48581 69307 69993 78477 82719 89109 101101 108911 111111 123321 128713 129987 145743 207921 235431 287749 303303 326733 333333 340067 366337 369963 386139 437229 534391 623763 762377 863247 900991 909909 980199 1000001 1020201 1099011 1158417 1415843 1603173 2287131 2564359 2589741 2702973 3000003 3060603 3297033 3740737 4029707 4247529 4762381 4809519 6861393 7000007 7693077 8108919 9000009 9910901 11000011 11222211 12089121 12742587 13000013 14287143 21000021 23079231 28207949 29732703 33000033 33336667 33666633 36267363 37000037 39000039 42861429 52386191 63000063 77000077 84623847 89198109 91000091 99000099 100010001 111000111 117000117 143000143 157158573 231000231 253871541 259000259 273000273 300030003 333000333 366703337 407000407 429000429 471475719 481000481 693000693 777000777 819000819 1001001001 1100110011 1221001221 1287001287 1443001443 2331002331 2849002849 3003003003 3300330033 3367003367 3663003663 4329004329 5291005291 8547008547 9009009009 10101010101 15873015873 25641025641 30303030303 37037037037 47619047619 111111111111 333333333333

The factors of 100000000000 are:

1 2 4 5 8 10 16 20 25 32 40 50 64 80 100 125 128 160 200 250 256 320 400 500 512 625 640 800 1000 1024 1250 1280 1600 2000 2048 2500 2560 3125 3200 4000 5000 5120 6250 6400 8000 10000 10240 12500 12800 15625 16000 20000 25000 25600 31250 32000 40000 50000 51200 62500 64000 78125 80000 100000 125000 128000 156250 160000 200000 250000 256000 312500 320000 390625 400000 500000 625000 640000 781250 800000 1000000 1250000 1280000 1562500 1600000 1953125 2000000 2500000 3125000 3200000 3906250 4000000 5000000 6250000 6400000 7812500 8000000 9765625 10000000 12500000 15625000 16000000 19531250 20000000 25000000 31250000 32000000 39062500 40000000 48828125 50000000 62500000 78125000 80000000 97656250 100000000 125000000 156250000 160000000 195312500 200000000 250000000 312500000 390625000 400000000 500000000 625000000 781250000 800000000 1000000000 1250000000 1562500000 2000000000 2500000000 3125000000 4000000000 5000000000 6250000000 10000000000 12500000000 20000000000 25000000000 50000000000 100000000000

Conversion formula (equation):

3.33333333333=3.333333333331=3.33333333333 × 1000000000001 × 100000000000=333333333333100000000000=333333333333÷1100000000000÷1=333333333333100000000000


3.33333333333 = 333333333333100000000000

What is a decimal?

A decimal is a numeral system that includes a point to separate the whole number part from the fractional part. This system makes it easy to work with numbers less than one.

What is a fraction?

A fraction is a mathematical way of showing a part of a whole. It has two parts: the numerator on top and the denominator below, which help express partial values and comparisons.

Step-by-step solution:

  • Step 1: First, write the decimal as a fraction over 1. This sets up the next steps. 3.33333333333 = 3.333333333331
  • Step 2: Decimals can have different lengths. We will align the number of digits after the decimal point. For 3.33333333333, we have three digits. This means multiplying the fraction by a factor of 10 for each digit. Factor = 1011 = 100000000000
  • Step 3: Using this factor, multiply both the numerator and the denominator. 3.33333333333 × 1000000000001 × 100000000000 = 333333333333100000000000
  • Step 4: Now we need to simplify the fraction by finding common divisors. The greatest common divisor is 1. Divide both the numerator and the denominator by this common divisor. 333333333333 ÷ 1100000000000 ÷ 1 = 333333333333100000000000

Answer in mixed fraction format:

3.33333333333 =