Fractions to Decimals, page 89
What is a fraction?
A fraction shows a part of a whole. It has two numbers. A numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number). The numerator tells us how many parts we have. The denominator tells us how many parts make up a whole.
What is a decimal?
A decimal is a way to write numbers less than one or between whole numbers using a decimal point. The digits after the point show parts of a whole in tenths, hundredths, etc.
To find the decimal of 5 8/25, multiply, add, and then divide.
Easily turn 5/48 into a decimal with a simple division.
Change 5/99 to a decimal by dividing quickly.
Convert 50/13 to a decimal with a quick division.
To find the decimal form of 54 1/8, multiply, add, and then divide.
Quickly convert 54/75 to a decimal by dividing.
Find the decimal equivalent of 58/100 with division.
Convert 59/60 to its decimal form with a simple division.
A fraction like 6/1000 has a decimal form. Just divide to find it.
To find the decimal of 6 13/16, multiply, add, and then divide.
Turn 6/40 into a decimal with basic math.
Every fraction, like 6/6, has a decimal form. Just divide.