Decimals to Fractions, page 99
What is a decimal?
A decimal shows numbers less than one. It also represents values between whole numbers using a decimal point. The digits after the point represent parts of a whole. They can be in tenths, hundredths, etc.
What is a fraction?
A fraction represents a part of a whole. It has two numbers: a numerator (top number) and a denominator (bottom number). The numerator shows how many parts we have. The denominator shows how many parts make up the whole.
Understand how 0.27777 evolves into a fraction.
Learn the math behind converting 0.285 from decimal to fraction.
A quick look at converting 0.2857 to a fraction.
Convert 0.286 to reveal its exact fractional form.
Translate 0.390625 from decimal to fraction.
Understand 0.428's change from decimal to fraction.
See 0.42857 move from decimal to fraction in math.
See how 0.42857142857 transitions from decimal to fraction in math.
Understand 0.429 better by turning it into a fraction.
Learn how to convert the decimal 0.46666 to a fraction.
Convert 0.533 to its fractional form easily.
Translate 0.53333333333 from decimal to fraction.