Converting to Percentages, page 36
What is a decimal?
A decimal is a system of numbers based on ten. It uses a point, called a decimal point, to separate the whole number from parts less than one. For example, in 0.75, the number represents three-quarters.
What is a fraction?
A fraction shows how many parts of a certain size there are. It consists of a numerator (above the line) and a denominator (below the line). For example, in 2/3, it means two out of three equal parts.
What is a mixed fraction?
A mixed fraction combines a whole number and a fraction. It shows a quantity more than one but not a round number. For example, 3 1/2 means three and a half.
What is a percentage?
A percentage expresses a number as a fraction of 100. It's denoted by the "%" symbol. So, 50% means fifty out of every hundred.
Express 0.0056 in percent by multiplying by 100.
Change 0.0081 to percent by multiplying by 100.
Multiply 0.0625 by 100 to express it as a percent.
To find the percent value of 0.1, just multiply by 100.
Represent 0.26 in percent by multiplying by 100.
In math, 0.29 becomes a percent when you multiply by 100.
Convert 0.46 to percent by multiplying by 100.
Turn 0.52 into its percent form by multiplying by 100.
To find the percent for 0.54, multiply it by 100.
Turn 0.56 into a percent by multiplying it by 100.
Multiply 0.63 by 100 to convert it to a percent.
To turn 0.82 into a percent, just multiply by 100.