Converting to Percentages, page 97

What is a decimal?

A decimal is a system of numbers based on ten. It uses a point, called a decimal point, to separate the whole number from parts less than one. For example, in 0.75, the number represents three-quarters.

What is a fraction?

A fraction shows how many parts of a certain size there are. It consists of a numerator (above the line) and a denominator (below the line). For example, in 2/3, it means two out of three equal parts.

What is a mixed fraction?

A mixed fraction combines a whole number and a fraction. It shows a quantity more than one but not a round number. For example, 3 1/2 means three and a half.

What is a percentage?

A percentage expresses a number as a fraction of 100. It's denoted by the "%" symbol. So, 50% means fifty out of every hundred.

What is 50/65 as a percent?

Convert 50/65 to percent by dividing and then multiplying.

What is 500/100 as a percent?

To convert 500/100 to percent, divide and then multiply by 100.

What is 51/100 as a percent?

For 51/100, divide to get a decimal, then multiply to get percent.

What is 52/100 as a percent?

For fraction 52/100, find the decimal and then change it to percent.

What is 53/100 as a percent?

First divide 53/100, then multiply by 100 to get the percent.

What is 55/80 as a percent?

Convert 55/80 to decimal by dividing, then find its percent.

What is 55/64 as a percent?

To find the percent of 55/64, divide first, then multiply by 100.

What is 6 1/5 as a percent?

Convert 6 1/5 to a decimal, then multiply for the percent.

What is 6/23 as a percent?

Divide 6/23 to get its decimal, then multiply to get the percent.

What is 6 4/5 as a percent?

For 6 4/5, multiply and add to get a decimal, then find the percent.

What is 6/75 as a percent?

Get the percent of 6/75 by dividing and then multiplying.

What is 6.2 as a percent?

Convert 6.2 to percent by multiplying it by 100.